25 May 2015

Galeri Petronas : Energy - Present & Future

Galeri PETRONAS Annual Art Competition: Energy – Present & Future.

Jika anda peminat karya seni visual usah lepaskan peluang untuk berkunjung ke pameran karya seni vusual yang sedang berlangsung.

Sila berkunjung ke Galeri Petronas Annual Art Competition  untuk menikmati karya-karya seni yang menarik bertemakan tenaga - sekarang dan masa depan.

Sambil menikmati karya seni anda berpeluang untuk memilih karya seni terbaik mengikut apresiasi anda.  Pastikan karya terbaik yang dipamerkan menjadi pilihan anda dan memenangi pertandingan ini.

Selamat menikmati karya seni visual sambil membuat pilihan terbaik anda

Antara karya yang dipertandingkan di Galeri Petronas

Angelina Bong

The Evolving Twirl
The sun as the background, a divine power enforces it to emit energy, giving life and light depicted by twirling strokes and flames to mankind who constantly evolve like the black figures. Lastly the emerald green flames symbolizes the sea where oil and gas are drilled, influencing the world's economy.
Nur Izzah Insyirah Binti Abdul Manan
UITM Perak

Full of energy, hope and passion. I want to take the watcher out of his day-to-day mood and give escape from reality even for a split second. I love the way the colour and line convey energy and motion. The shape, form, colours and organic texture can change depending on the time of day or one's mood at the time

Fatin Afifah Binti Mohd Noh

Where The Stars?
Bintang sentiasa ada dilangit. Apakah kita minat untuk melihat kilauannya? Ia tentang tenaga seseorang untuk mencapai kejayaan. Apa yang dikejar hendaklah datang dari usaha sendiri, hasil tenaga yang sentiasa melihat kepada kejayaan. Jika hidung mampu menyedut dan menghembus oksigen tetapi enggan mengintai peluang yang sedia ada dihadapan, dimana terletak kejayaan?

Ahmad Rais bin Mohamed Azmi

Bersinarlah Dengan Senyuman
Eryna Irdina merupakan kanak-kanak yang riang dan bertenaga. Mendongak ke arah cahaya merupakan simbolik kepada pengharapan masa depan yang cerah. Senyuman Eryna melambangkan bahawa kita hendaklah berfikiran positif dan yakin bahawa jika kita berfikiran baik pada masa kini, maka masa depan yang baik akan mendatang.
Pearly Lim Pei Li

Energy systematically consistent. Never felt, seen nor ends - transforming into different forms. What is given by nature is essentially consumed by nature. Matter, created by particles and energy are interconvertible. By simply being, they fulfill their roles - portraying presence in absence; vice versa. Will antimatter be the future's energy source?
Leong Winky
SMK Aminuddin Baki

Energy - Present & Future
At present, we use petrol and electric energy as our energy sources for transportation. In the future, solar energy will be advanced that humans are able to take the 'Space Solar Taxi' to explore the wonders of the universe. This transportation has solar panels on its doors with Petronas' logo design.

Norallyda Bt Alang Azisham
University Teknologi Malaysia, Johor

Neither Created Nor Destroyed
Energy is something that we need to accumulate. Because without it, we might not get what we want as such what we have today. However, continuously obtain it for the future, we should be more conscious not to destroy it. Perspire nothing but energy.
 Royahu Binti Mohamed

Present & Future
Wherever we are, in the past or future, only one way we move on. It is through a roadway. Energetic or not depend on how way look like.

 Muhammad Syazwan Bin Abdul Rahim

Perjalanan Waktu
"Pengangkutan awam banyak memberi manfaat dan penjimatan kepada masyarakat. Selain itu, ia dapat mengurangkan masalah pencemaran alam. Kemajuan dan peningkatan jelas dapat dilihat dari dahulu sehingga kini pada struktur keseluruhan keretapi melalui penggunaan bahan bakar yang semakin maju dan lebih efisyen."

Ayuh Malayia
Bersama Membuat Pilihan

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