BANDAR RAYA Ipoh, Perak telah dipilih sebagai lokasi Kongres Penyair Sedunia (WCP) kali ke-33. Kongres ini merupakan acara tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh Akademi Seni dan Budaya Dunia (WAAC).
Kongres yang bertemakan Satu Dunia Menerusi Puisi ini akan dirasmikan pada 21 Oktober pukul 8.30 malam oleh Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr. Zamry Abd. Kadir.
Penyelaras WCP, Malim Ghozali PK berkata, objektif kongres ini adalah untuk mewujudkan pertembungan serta pertukaran antara para penyair dan penulis tempatan dan penyair-penyair dari luar negara.
Tambahnya lagi, kongres ini diadakan antara lain untuk memberi liputan meluas terhadap negeri Perak dari sudut sejarahnya yang gemilang, sumber asli yang kaya dan kedudukannya sebagai pusat pembelajaran di mana terdapat beberapa buah sekolah perdana tradisi.
"Kongres ini juga secara tidak langsungnya adalah sebahagian daripada produk mempromosikan bahasa Melayu sebagai salah satu bahasa pertuturan utama di Tenggara Asia.
"Kita sendiri akui bahawa bahasa Melayu ini cukup mudah dikuasai oleh orang Taiwan, Korea, Jepun dan penduduk negara-negara Pasific seperti Australia, New Zealand dan Caledonia.
"Selain itu, kongres ini juga untuk mengangkat Perak amnya dan Ipoh khasnya sebagai destinasi pelancongan yang menarik di pertengahan perjalanan sepanjang Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan," jelasnya.
Tambah Malim lagi, kongres seumpama ini juga mampu untuk meningkatkan kesedaran bagi penubuhan Hall of Celebrities di Ipoh yang akan memperagakan warga negeri Perak yang terkenal dalam bidang sukan dan seni.
"Selebriti tersebut terdiri daripada Lat, Tan Yee Khan, Ng Boon Bee, Asir Victor, Yusuf Bakar, Syed Ahmad Jamal, K. Rajamani, Mano, penulis dan Soprano Eddy Chin dan lain-lain," katanya.
Di samping itu, pelbagai aturcara telah disediakan oleh penganjur antaranya deklamasi puisi, persembahan budaya, berbalas pantun dan lawatan ke lokasi-lokasi bersejarah di Perak.
Lokasi yang akan dilawati adalah Kuala Kangsar, Lenggong, Batu Gajah, Gua Tempurung dan Gua Kandu.
Setakat ini 28 buah negara sudah mengesahkan penyertaan, melibatkan lebih kurang 200 orang penyair termasuk peserta tempatan. Kongres ini merupakan perhimpunan penyair antarabangsa terbesar pernah diadakan di negara ini.
Antara negara yang turut serta adalah Brunei, India, Indonesia, Jepun, China, Taiwan, Korea Selatan, Argentina, Sepanyol, Mexico, Perancis, Jerman dan Amerika Syarikat.
Antara penyair-penyair yang akan menyertai perhimpunan ini adalah Anuar Putra Bayu, Isbedy Stiawan dan Satri Bakry dari Indonesia, Thea Marie Robert dan George Chapouthier dari Perancis dan Juraj Kurniak dari India.
Selain acara baca puisi, Malam Pantun juga akan diadakan di mana peserta-peserta dari luar negara akan turut mempersembahkan bakat mereka dalam berpantun.
Pemenang akan mendapat tajaan untuk menyertai Kongres Penyair Sedunia di Peru pada tahun hadapan. Nama-nama pemenang akan diumumkan pada 25 Oktober nanti di Pulau Pangkor, Borang permohonan boleh dimuat turun menerusi laman sesawang Yayasan Kampung Karyawan Malim.
Sempena kongres ini juga sebuah antologi dalam bahasa Inggeris akan diterbitkan yang mana akan memuatkan puisi para peserta. WCP telah melantik George Chapouthier dan Malim sendiri sebagai editor bersama bagi mengendalikan antologi ini.
Bagi penyair-penyair tempatan yang ingin turut serta dalam Kongres Penyair Sedunia ke-33 ini bayaran hanya AS$100 (RM321). Bagi yang berminat bolehlah menghubungi Malim Ghozali PK (013-5111043, seladangvent@gmail.com) dan Anuar Mat Zain (019-5236899 zain.anuar@gmail.com) untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut.
Sumber : Utusan Online
Perak To Host 33rd World Congress of Poets
Perak has been chosen as host and venue for the 33rd World Congress of Poets which is being held for the first time in Malaysia.
Perak Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir who spoke to reporters today at his office in the Perak State Secretariat building said he is honoured that the country in general and Perak in particular has been chosen as both the organiser and also the venue for this highly esteemed occasion.
“It is an honour for Perak to be chosen as venue for this important occasion,” he said, adding that the congress would serve various purposes such as being a platform for international poets to meet and mingle while the tourism industry of Ipoh and the state would also greatly benefit..
"This event also complements our policy and programmes to internationalise Perak,” Dr Zambry said.
The Chief Minister was hosting a press conference about the congress and with him was the President for World Congres of Poets Wan Hua Chapouthier and President for World Academy of Arts and Culture WAAC Dr. Maurus Young. The five-day congress is scheduled from 20 till 25.
Dr Zambry told pressmen that 200 poets from 30 countries would participate in the event and amog them are Argentina, Australia, Bosnia, Canada, China, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Greece, Hong Kong, and Hungary. Malaysia will be represented by 100 poets.
Meanwhile, Perak-born Wan Hwa said the congress not only presents the opportunity for poets from across the globe to network, it would also promote Ipoh for its greenery.
33rd World Congress of Poets (WCP) to be held in Ipoh, the capital city of the state of Perak in MALAYSIA
From 20 – 26 October 2013
Organised by World Academy of Arts and Culture (WAAC)
In collaboration with
The State Government of Perak Darul Ridzuan
Perak Tourism Board
Malim Artist Village Foundation (MAV) and
Kampung Karyawan Amanjaya (PORT)
or “People of Remarkable Talents”
1) Sunday 20/10/13 - Arrival of participants at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)
- Welcome Committee will be at location with pink neon sign showing DUNKIN DONUT after custom clearance at KLIA
16:00 hr – leave by free official tour coach for Ipoh, stop by Putra Jaya (national administration centre) State
17:30 hr - continue journey to Ipoh
20:00 hr - check-in at Syuen Hotel
20:30 hr - welcome buffet for all WCP participants at Syuen Hotel
21:30 hr – registration/check-in , collect name tags, WCP bags
- visit of “pasar malam” or night market and hawkers' stalls
2) Monday 21/10/13 - Opening Ceremony at Syuen Hotel
9:30 – introductory remarks by Mrs Wan Hua Chapouthier, President 33rd WCP
9:45 – welcome address by the Honourable Madam Nolee Ashilin Dato' Mohd Radzi, Perak State Executive Counselor for Health, Tourism and Culture
10:00 - speech by Dr. Maurus Young, President of WAAC
10:15 – speech and official opening of 33rd WCP by Dato’ Seri Di-Raja Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir, the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Perak and the Honorary Patron of the 33rd WCP
- launching of 33rd edition of WAAC’s Anthology of Poems
- speech on anthology in Bahasa Malaysia by Pak Malim Ghozali , Malaysian poet/writer
- speech on anthology in French and in English by Dr. Georges Chapouthier a.k.a. Georges Friedenkraft
-presentation of WAAC literary award by Dr. Maurus Young, President of WAAC to the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Perak
- presentation of the Ipoh City Friendship Award by the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Perak of to Dr. Yu Hsi, the Honorary Patron of WAAC
- presentation by Dr. Yu Hsi of the Crane Summit Supreme Honour Crown Medallion award to the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Perak
- Selamat Datang (Welcome) dance by dance group from the Culture and Arts Department of Perak
11:00 hr - tea break
11:15 hr - poetry reading sessions
13:00 hr - lunch at Syuen Hotel with following animation:-
- announcement in English of poetry competition/ presentation of WAAC Golden Book by Professor Dr. Ernesto Kahan, 1st Vice-President of WAAC
- announcement in Spanish of poetry competition by Maria Eugenia Soberanis, the Secretary-General of WAAC
- announcement in Chinese of poetry competition by Bei Ta, board member of WAAC Executive Committee
- performance by Ms Manny Hsu, renowned flute player from Taiwan
- the bamboo instrument band from MGS, alma mater of 33rd WCP President will play tunes of 3 Malaysian national songs entitled Siti Payong, Rasa Sayang, and Gelang Si Paku Gelang
14:30 hr - poetry reading sessions
17:00 hr - tea break
- free and easy – viewing/purchase of exhibition and exhibits by WAAC poets and of local artisanal products and literary works by Malaysian artists, poets/writers on display at hotel lounge
20:30 hr - welcome dinner/cultural show and poetry reading at State Banquet to be hosted by the Right Honourable Chief Minister of Perak (please note that for the occasion, formal wear / national dress is advisable)
23:30 hr – end of banquet
3) Tuesday 22/10/13 - Visits
9:00 hr - visit to Perak Man Archeological Gallery at Lenggong, 50 miles from Ipoh
12:15 hr – visit to Sultan Azlan Shah Gallery, Malaysia's first rubber tree in Kuala Kangsar, the royal town of Perak and then to Taiping lake to view Raintrees and Flames of the Forest, magnificent trees of the jungle
13:00 hr - lunch at Sayong Riverfront, with cultural show/poetry reading to be hosted by Member of the Perak State Assembly and visit of stalls with display for sale of local wicker and Sayong pottery products and view of Perak river where the Hollywood film “Anna and the King” was shot.
16:30 hr - departure for Ipoh
17:00 hr - free and easy with optional shopping at nearby Parkson Grand, important shopping mall in Ipoh and have a cup of “old town white coffe “ or “teh tarek”, two famous beverages of Ipoh
18:30 hr - tour of old town Ipoh, railway station, clock tower , town padang (town green) and Ipoh Club passing by premier schools like the Anderson (alma mater of poet Malim Ghozali), Main Convent (alma mater of Michelle Yeoh, internatonally-known kungfu star), St Michael’s Institution. Raja Perempuan Girls’ School, SMJK Yuk Choy and MGS before getting down for evening event -
20:30 hr - "Pantun Night" with presentation of “pantuns”, traditional Malay poems at Kinta Riverfront and dinner to be hosted by Dato' Zainol Fadzi bin Haji Baharudin, Chairman of PORT
- to be followed by WAAC humanities award by President of WAAC to the Honourable Dato’ Zainol Fadzi bin Haji Baharudin
23:30 hr – end of soirĂ©e
4) Wednesday 23/10/13 – City Hall
9:00 hr - poetry reading at City Hall Auditorium (opposite Syuen Hotel)
10:30 hr - tea break at City Hall
11:00 hr - poetry reading sessions at City Hall, with participation of foreign and local poets
12:30 hr - lunch at Syuen Hotel with following animation -
a) modern dance by Marie Robert, poetess from France
b) reading of own poem in mother tongue by poets
14:00 hr - free & easy – preparation by poets for submission of poem to poetry competition under the charge of WAAC Executive Committee
20:30 hr – dinner/ cultural show and poetry reading session at Syuen Hotel to be hosted by the Honourable City Mayor of Ipoh
- presentation of humanities award by President of WAAC to City Mayor of Ipoh
- presentation of poet laureate awards by President of WAAC to two poets
5) Thursday 24/10/13 – Lumut and Pangkor Island
9:00 hr - poetry reading sessions at Syuen Hotel
12:30 hr - lunch at Syuen Hotel
15:00 hr - departure for Lumut jetty near the beach, one and half hours’ trip by tour coach from Ipoh
17:00 hr - boat cruise around Pangkor Island
20:00 hr - outdoor barbeque by the beach and poetry reading at Lumut seafront to be hosted by the Member of Parliament from Manjung.( for (the beach outing and boat trip , do bring along sunglasses, hats and scarves)
21:00 hr - presentation of WAAC appreciation award by the President of WAAC to the Member of Parliament from Manjung
21:30 hr - presentation of other WAAC appreciation awards to local poets
22:30 hr - return to Ipoh
6) Friday 25/10/13 – Farewell / closing ceremony
9:00 hr - free and easy –optional visits to
a) Sun Yat Sen memorial
b) clear water sanctuary to see tin mining relics and part of location for “Anna and the King” starring Jodie Foster and Chow Yun Fat
c) Sam Poh Tong Cave Temple which was part of location for French film “Indochina” starring French film stars, Catherine Deneuve and Vincent Perez
d) tambun pomelo farm (if not raining)
20:00 hr - farewell dinner at Syuen Hotel to be hosted by the Honourable Madam Nolee Ashilin Dato' Mohd Radzi, Perak State Executive Counselor for Health, Tourism and Culture
21:00hr – presentation of WAAC appreciation award by President of WAAC to the Honourable Madam Nolee Ashilin
- presentation of WAAC gavel by President of WAAC to the President of 33rd WCP
- handing over of mandate by the President of WAAC to official representative from Peru for the organization of the 34th WCP in 2014 in Peru
- speech by the Honourable Madam Nolee Ashilin
- speech by President of WAAC
- closing speech by President of 33rd WCP
22: 30 hr – end of closing ceremony
7) Saturday 26/10/13 – KL /lunch at DBP/ KLIA
9:00 hr - departure for KL
- stop by KL Tower
- stop by Petronas Twin Towers
- stop by Karyaneka (national art and craft centre where batik, Selangor pewter ware and Malaysian artisanal products are available)
12:00 hr - lunch at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP or National Language Institute of Malaysia) to be hosted by the Director General of DBP
- presentation of literary award by WAAC president to Director-General of DBP
- presentation of WAAC literary award by President of WAAC to the following persons for their active participation in the 33rd WCP :
Pak Malim Ghozali, Director of Malim Artists Village Foundation
Wan Hua and Dr. Georges Chapouthier, respectively the President and Vice- President of the 33rd WCP
14:00 hr - end of lunch
14:30 hr – departure for KLIA
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a tentative programme that will be subject to some changes due to unforeseen circumstances
Have a pleasant trip and here are some travelling tips:
-Do bring along information /fact sheet that you have received in early March 2013 as it contains phone numbers and address of Syuen Hotel in Ipoh.
- Please also note that encased trees at KLIA are from pristine jungle
- Try to arrive before sunset as the journey to Ipoh passes by limestone hills, waterfalls and oil palm plantations. The water in Perak is very soft and is ideal for producing short, succulent soya bean sprouts and for making delicious taufoo or soya bean curd drink.
- Use cotton wear as Malaysia has a hot, humid climate.
- Syuen hotel rooms have facility for preparing hot drinks and food served is halal and caters to requirements of most diets including those of strict vegetarians.
- Main popular Malaysian dishes are:
- satay ( grilled meat with spices)
- nasi lemak ( coconut milk rice)
- kueh tueh ( fried rice noodles)
- roti channai (curry and pancake)
Source : World Academy Of Arts And Culture
Perak set to ‘inspire’ international poets in October
PERAK is set to host the 33rd World Congress of Poets (WCoP) in October.
Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said the WCoP, organised by the US-based World Academy of Arts and Culture, will be held from Oct 20 to 25 at several venues in Ipoh.
”The main venue is Syuen Hotel.The organising committee is still planning to have poetry-reading events at several other places,” he said at a press conference here on Monday.
”It is a great honour for the state to be selected as the venue for this international event.”
Dr Zambry said about 200 international poets from 30 participating countries will attend the event.
”Among other countries, the participating poets will be from Argentina, Pakistan, China, the United States, Ecuador, Mexico, Turkey, Brunei and Singapore. There will also be about 100 local poets taking part,” he said.
WCoP president Wan Hua Chapouthier said the congress’ aim was to expose local and budding poets to the myriad fine arts and literature experts from all over the world.
”It will be a good platform for both foreign and local poets to share and exchange their publications and learn more from each other. Foreign poets can also learn how the local Malaysian pantun is formed,” she said.
Wan said Perak was chosen as the host venue because of its beautiful surroundings.
”Perak, and Ipoh in particular, has its charm and can inspire poets to compose more poetry.
”It will also play a role in attracting more tourists to the state,” she said, adding that the next WCoP would be held in Peru.
Source : The Star
Peraduan Menulis Puisi Sempena Kongres Penyair Sedunia Ke-33
Penyair Malaysia dipelawa menyertai pertandingan di atas bagi memeriahkan Kongres Penyair Sedunia ke-33 sekali gus memilih dua orang pemenang yang akan ditaja ke Kongres Penyair Sedunia ke-34 di Lima, Peru pada tahun 2014 sebagai peserta. Ini bermakna hadiah kemenangan adalah berbentuk tajaan berupa tiket kapal terbang, bayaran penyertaan dan penginapan.
Peraduan ini terbuka bagi karya yang ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu sahaja
Ditulis oleh warganegara Malaysia yang berada di dalam atau di luar negara yang berumur 17 tahun dan ke atas.
Karya-karya mestilah asli, bukan terjemahan, saduran, penyesuaian atau apa jua pengertian yang boleh menyebabkan karya itu tidak asli.
Puisi yang dimaksudkan bagi tujuan peraduan ini ialah "puisi moden"
Karya menggunakan tema "1 Dunia Menerusi Puisi"
Karya yang menang akan menjadi milik penganjur selama dua tahun bermula dari tarikh ia diumumkan
Peserta boleh menghantar tidak lebih daripada dua (2) buah sajak sahaja
Panjang setiap puisi tidak kurang daripada 20 baris tetapi tidak melebihi 40 baris
Nama peserta tidak diletak bersekali dengan sajak (hanya di Borang)
Hadiah berbentuk Sijil dan Tajaan untuk menyertai Kongres Penyair Sedunia Ke-34 di Lima, Peru pada tahun 2014. Hadiah tajaan ini tidak boleh ditukar dengan wang tunai
• Panel Penilai akan dilantik oleh Sekretariat Kongres Sedunia (Peraduan Menulis Puisi)
• Panel Penilai terdiri daripada para sarjana, sasterawan dan mereka yang arif dalam bidang ini
• Sasterawan Negara dan Ahli Panel Peraduan Menulis Puisi tidak dibenarkan menyertai peraduan ini
Borang penyertaan pertandingan ini boleh didapati dengan memuat-turun daripada laman sesawang Institut Darul Ridzuan (IDR) http://seo-malaysia.my/.../Institut-Darul-Ridzuan/2.html dan karya bersama-sama borang penyertaan hendaklah diemelkan ke seladangvent@gmail.com
Peraduan ini terbuka mulai 1.10.2013 dan ditutup pada 14.10.2013. Pemenang-pemenang akan diumumkan pada 25.10.2013.
Sekretariat Kongres Penyair Sedunia Ke-33
Sekretariat Kongres Penyair Sedunia Ke-33
Bersama-sama ini disertakan
puisi karya asli saya berjudul
untuk dinilai
Keterangan tentang diri saya adalah seperti berikut:
Nama Penuh ..............................................................
Nama Pena .............................................................
Gelaran: ............................................................
No. Kad Pengenalan ............................................................
Tarikh Lahir ............................................................
Tempat Lahir ............................................................
Umur ............................................................
Pekerjaan ...........................................................
Alamat Surat Menyurat ..............................................................
No. Tel (Pejabat) ..............................................................
(Bimbit) .............................................................
(Rumah) .............................................................
Faksimili .............................................................
E-mel ..............................................................
Dengan ini saya mengesahkan karya tersebut adalah karya asli saya dan saya mematuhi semua syarat yang ditetapkan oleh Sekretariat Kongres Penyair Sedunia Ke-33 (PERADUAN MENULIS PUISI)
Tarikh: ........................................ Tanda Tangan: ............................................
( )
Sumber : Nilamsuri
Diharapkan dapat disiarkan aktiviti sempena WCP