15 Mar 2014

anak-anak syria (syrian children)

anak-anak syria
menatap ke jauh harap
begitu gersang begitu tandus
perang dan kebencian
mereka mangsa pergulatan
apa bersinar di kelopak mata
cahaya suram berbalam
entah apakah masa depan
entah bila berakhir sengketa
anak-anak syria
menunggu matahari
menunggu fajar wangi
entah bila terlihat lagi......

A girl carries her little brother through Zaatari camp, home to 1.2 million Syrian refugees. Photograph: Greg Beals/GuardianWitness

 Syrian refugee children in Idlib Photograph: matinmcr/GuardianWitness

Khaled. Photograph: UNRWA
A 14-month-old baby boy called Khaled. He looked like a five-month-old when his mother brought him to UNRWA. But with just a few days of proper food and medicine, he was brought back from the abyss. Christopher Gunness, UNRWA

Jerome Delay / AP Images for NBC News
Nevine Mohammed Almasre, 19 months, lays in her hospital bed alongside her mother Fatmah in Chtaura's hospital in Chtaura, Lebanon, on March 11, 2014. From Syria, Nevine has paralysis on her right hand side and is being treated as if it were polio.

Jeff J. Mitchell / Getty Images
A Syrian man carries a newborn baby in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan on Jan. 31.


Urgent Appeal
Food Parcels

Human Care Syria believes that every individual has the right to eat at least one meal a day. Due to the on-going crisis in Syria tens of thousands of families have been denied access to the most basic of rights: food.

With any crisis, market prices soar meaning that many families can no longer continue to afford to buy basic commodities like food and drink. To add insult to injury hundreds of thousands of families have had to flee their homes in search of safety in a terror stricken country.

Human Care Syria is addressing this problem by working across Syria to deliver food baskets in order to restore a level of stability to these families’ lives.

Human Care Syria is supporting families by providing them a food basket that includes 10 Kg rice, 2 Kg Dry Milk, 2 liters of cooking oil, 5 Kg Sugar, 10 Kg Wheat flour, 10 packs of pasta, Box of 100 tea bags and 1 Kg of salt.
£45 - can feed a family of 5 for 30 days (just £1.50 a day)

Milk Formula

Over the past two years, the people of Syria have been finding it increasingly hard to provide for their families and children. With many directly affected by the conflict and many internally displaced, means to provide these types of sustenance’s are now scarce and many children are suffering from malnutrition.

Aid agencies have been distributing food baskets, yet milk which is a vital source of nutrition for children has not been catered for in the food baskets. Milk is a number one need for these families and especially for the children as it contains essential protein, vitamins and minerals including calcium, fat and carbohydrates to help build their bodies.

With many families displaced and affected in Syria, there are no means for the breadwinner to provide milk for their children. Human Care Syria plans on distributing 50 tonnes of milk in Idlib, Aleppo, Lattakia and Homs after an initial small scale distribution.
£10 provides a child enough formula milk for one month

Medical Relief Kits

In a fleeting instant, everything can change: disasters strike without warning and very quickly hundreds of thousands can be caught in the grip of an emergency. Human Care Syria has been addressing the medical situation in Syria by delivering Medical Relief Kits to help families and individuals survive during these desperate times.

In emergencies like in Syria, the most vulnerable families need urgent relief without delay. At Human Care Syria, that is what we do: we work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people as a result of the current crisis.

Human Care Syria is working alongside our team of British doctors who have distributed medical kits and provided training inside Syria to administer these packs in an emergency situation. Each Medical Relief Kit includes: 1 Celox Powder, Trauma fix dressing, 1 Chest Seal, 1 Tourniquet, 1 Atropin injection, 3 Sterile dressings and 1 Medical Bag.

These kits have be distributed in Deir Ezzour, Raqqa, Aleppo and Idlib and are at the disposal of up to 100 individuals per neighbourhood. We distribute these medical relief kits in remote areas where access to field hospitals is either limited or restricted. These kits are used to save lives which would otherwise be lost in the space between transporting the victim to be treated in a field hospital.
£35 provides a complete medical relief kit


With the conflict continuing throughout the country, there are thousands of innocent civilians who need assistance in reaching a hospital. By providing ambulances in remote areas where access to field hospitals we are helping to address the medical situation to alleviate the suffering and help save lives.

Human Care Syria has been supporting field hospitals across Syria with ambulances to ensure that casualties can reach hospitals to be treated. Human Care Syria has delivered 12 ambulances in the last six months and our next ambulance will be leaving to Syria mid-March to areas that we have not been able to reach and that still require much needed assistance and support. In a fleeting instant, everything can change: disasters strike without warning and very quickly hundreds of thousands can be caught in the grip of an emergency. Human Care Syria has been addressing the medical situation in Syria by delivering Medical Relief Kits to help families and individuals survive during these desperate times.

In emergencies like in Syria, the most vulnerable families need urgent relief without delay. At Human Care Syria, that is what we do: we work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people as a result of the current crisis.
Help us raise £50,000. So that we can deliver a fleet of 7 fully-equipped ambulances
Donate Now

human care syria

Look into their eyes

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