27 Jan 2014

kepada sahabat

bila nafasku lepas, semua langkahku hilang. 
tapi bayangmu tetap kawan

siapa lagi yang ingin memberitahu
jalan terbaik bagimu
selain yang begitu akrab denganmu
yang begitu mengerti dirimu
dialah sahabatmu...

On May 9, 2007 in the mountains of northern Albania, 
a wolf was captured and put in a pen. 
To feed him, his captors decided to give him a "live food",
 an old donkey who, exploited for many years by its owners, 
had become worthless. But what happened? The two became best friends. 
Their amazing story became public and 12.000 people 
had written to the government of Albania asking that the life of donkey 
be spared and the wolf released to the wild. Even 
the Albanian television covered the story and under the huge pressure of the public, 
they finally 
let both of them free.


tak pernah ada hari terbaik
selain kau dekat di sanubari
begitu kau sahabat

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